Is it spring? Is it summer? It’s hard to tell. But, it’s always the right time for smoothies, especially when there’s Green Dragon involved! Especially once warmer weather makes its way here, it’s always nice to have a cool treat in hand.
Since I’m not a huge fan of cooking breakfast, a great way that I have found to get some nutrition up in me real quick, as well as getting my morning kratom dose is to fire up the juicer and make a good old fashioned summer smoothie!
This smoothie calls for both spirulina and chlorella which have massive nutrition benefits!
According to Healthline, “Spirulina is an organism that grows in both fresh and salt water It is a type of cyanobacteria, which is a family of single-celled microbes that are often referred to as blue-green algae. Just like plants, cyanobacteria can produce energy from sunlight via a process called photosynthesis. Spirulina was consumed by the ancient Aztecs but became popular again when NASA proposed that it could be grown in space for use by astronauts.”
A standard daily dose of spirulina is 1–3 grams, but doses of up to 10 grams per day have been used effectively. This tiny algae is packed with nutrients. A single tablespoon (7 grams) of dried spirulina powder contains:
Protein: 4 gramsVitamin B1 (thiamine): 11% of the RDAVitamin B2 (riboflavin): 15% of the RDAVitamin B3 (niacin): 4% of the RDACopper: 21% of the RDAIron: 11% of the RDA
It also contains decent amounts of magnesium, potassium and manganese and small amounts of almost every other nutrient that you need. In addition, the same amount holds only 20 calories and 1.7 grams of digestible carbs.” (Source: Healthline)
“There are over 30 different species, but two types — Chlorella vulgaris and Chlorella pyrenoidosa — are most commonly used in research. Because chlorella has a hard cell wall that humans cannot digest, you must take it as a supplement to reap its benefits. Chlorella’s impressive nutritional profile has led some to call it a “super food.” While its exact nutrient content depends on growing conditions, the species used and how supplements are processed, it’s clear it packs several beneficial nutrients,” according to Healthline. They include:
- Protein: Chlorella is 50–60% protein. What’s more, it’s a complete protein source, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids.
- Vitamin B12: Some chlorella varieties may also contain vitamin B12, but more studies are needed.
- Iron and vitamin C: Chlorella can be a good source of iron. Depending on the supplement, it may provide anywhere from 6–40% of your daily need. It’s also an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps you absorb iron.
- Other antioxidants: These tiny green cells provide a wide range of antioxidants
- Other vitamins and minerals: Chlorella provides small amounts of magnesium, zinc, copper, potassium, calcium, folic acid and other B vitamins
- Omega-3s: As with other algae, chlorella contains some omega-3s. Just 3 grams of chlorella delivers 100 mg of omega-3s.
- Fiber: In large quantities, chlorella can be a good source of fiber. However, most supplements don’t provide even 1 gram of fiber per dose.

Ingredients 1 tsp spirulina1 tsp chlorella1-2 tsp of Beaufort Kratom Green Dragon powder1 cup coconut or almond milk1 frozen banana, chopped1/2 of a ripe avocado, chopped1 tbsp shredded coconut
InstructionsAdd all your ingredients to a blender or juicer and puree until smooth and enjoy!